Target China Celebrity Series – Wang Yibo


Target China Celebrity Series – Wang Yibo

By Wilson Lin(Target China)
1 Mar 2021

王一博,1997年8月5日出生于中国河南省洛阳市,中国流行乐男歌手、演员、主持人、职业摩托车赛车手 ,男子演唱组合UNIQ成员。

2014年9月15日,以UNIQ组合成员身份正式出道;12月,组合获得尖叫爱奇艺之夜颁奖礼最具期待组合奖 。2015年,主演青春励志电影《梦想合伙人》 ;同年,随组合获得酷音乐亚洲盛典年度内地最佳新人奖和尖叫爱奇艺之夜颁奖礼年度音乐大奖 。2016年3月,随组合凭借歌曲《EOEO》获得美国International-K Music Awards最佳编舞奖;4月29日,正式成为综艺节目《天天向上》主持团“天天兄弟”成员;12月,领衔主演都市爱情励志喜剧《人间至味是清欢》。


2017年,主演青春校园仙侠剧《私立蜀山学园》;同年,获得第十七届音乐风云榜年度盛典偶像新势力奖、亚洲影响力盛典最佳新人演员奖以及微博电视影响力盛典年度新锐艺人奖  。2018年2月,主持湖南卫视春节联欢晚会;3月,担任竞演类真人秀节目《创造101》舞蹈导师  ;4月,领衔主演仙侠古装剧《陈情令》。9月,主演青春电竞电视连续剧《陪你到世界之巅》。

2019年9月,主演古装剧《有翡》 。10月,王一博入选2019福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜  。2020年5月,主演刑侦涉案剧《冰雨火》 。10月18日,凭借电视剧《陪你到世界之巅》获得第30届中国电视金鹰奖观众喜爱的男演员奖。






Wang Yibo (born in 5 of August, 1997) is a Chinese actor, dancer, singer, rapper, TV host, and professional motorcycle racer. He debuted as a member of the South Korean-Chinese boyband Uniq in 2014. As an actor, Wang is best known for his leading roles in television series Gank Your Heart (2019), The Untamed (2019), and Legend of Fei (2020). In 2020, Wang ranked 9th in the Celebrity 100 list by Forbes China.

Endorsements and ambassadorships

Wang is one of the most in-demand and influential brand ambassadors in China. Partnering with over 30 brands, his endorsements and ambassadorships range from local products such as Ping An Insurance, transportation app DiDi, skincare brand Pechoin, Youku, Game for Peace (PUBG),  and online food delivery to international brands including Swarovski, Lenovo, Monster Energy, and KFC. He is the global spokesperson of Shu Uemura cosmetics, denim brand Evisu, and Redmi smartphones.

In 2020, Wang became the first entertainer to be granted the title of official partner by Nike in Mainland China. Wang is also the youngest member and the youngest brand ambassador of Audi Elite Club in history, after Maggie CheungAndy Lau, and pianist Lang Lang.

Due to his passion for extreme sports, particularly skateboarding and motorcycle racing, as well as his widespread influence in the younger generation, Wang was honorably appointed by the Chinese government as the Chinese Skateboarding Promotion Ambassador, also the ambassador for the Chinese winter sports and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

Wang has graced the front covers of the Chinese edition of various international magaziness, such as GQ Style, CosmopolitanL’Officiel HommesMarie ClaireHarper’s Bazaar, and T magazine. In March 2020, Wang became the first Chinese celebrity to grace all three covers of SuperELLE China by himself in its history. In December, Wang starred a fashion film project between Vogue Film and Chanel alongside Zhou Xun titled Le Vrai Ou (花的游吟).